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My Curriculum is aligned with the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS.) The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards specify developmental expectations for children from birth through entrance to first grade. The standards reflect attention to all the domains of a child's learning and development. Each domain is divided into sub-domains. Each sub-domain includes developmental expectations, program standards, performance standards and developmental continuum. The five domains are Health and Physical Development, Social and Emotional Development, Language Developments and Communication, Approaches to Learning, and finally Cognition and General Knowledge. The sub –domains are Physical Health and Development, Motor Development, and Sensory Organization. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) guideline is attached.


We celebrate the following occasions and holidays: Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Grandparents Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and each child's birthday. We may introduce other occasions and holidays.


I plan activities and provide children with a variety of experiences.  Some of the activities include:


  • Large muscle skills:  Balls, jungle gyms, bean bags, outdoor play

  • Small muscle skills:  Arts / crafts, stringing beads, pegboards, blocks

  • Creative expression:  Dramatic play, puppets, music / instruments, flannel board

  • Self-help skills:  Assist with mealtime preparation, dress self for outdoors

  • Literacy skills:  Books, story board, alphabet and writing games

  • Language development:  Books, music, story time, fingerplays, flannel board stories, listening, speaking, following directions

  • Emotional development: promoting positive self-image, fostering cooperation, developing independence, initiative and trust

  • Cognitive development: providing experience with math and science, promoting children's curiosity about the world by encouraging observation, exploration and experimentation

  • Social development: getting along in groups, learning responsible behavior (such as sharing), respecting ethnic/cultural/age/sexual differences, expressing feelings appropriately


Below are samples of our yearly curriculum, lesson plan, and an art project.

Yearly Curriculum

Lesson Plan Sample


Art Project



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